

120327.2 ありえない・・・















120327.2 超ド級!世界のありえない映像博覧会9

10 件のコメント:

  1. Teddy Kitagawa2012年3月29日 3:43

    She is such a precious woman. My Keibear is very Keibear ^_^.

    She's very huggable. I wish I could hug her now, rub her back while hugging her and kiss her on her head.

  2. えんかいぶちょう2012年3月29日 8:51

    Hello cyp-san & Teddy

    Please start a weight loss in preparation for the next coming work/s ASAP!

    I'm not joking^^;

    Good day!

  3. 再放送・特別番組での番宣・謎ディのSP・・・景子ちゃんが出演している番組を見逃すことなく全部見ることができました(^^)/


  4. She indeed is! Gorgeous and adorable(*≧∀≦*)

    Give her CORN-tea ASAP, for what drama? film???


  5. I don't know how realiable this is nor how likely it is to happen.

    But there are rumours "Anonymous" is planning on testing their DDoS skillz to their limits and on the 31st of March they plan on trying to bring down the whole Internet.

    But which time zone are they going by for the 31st though

  6. Teddy Kitagawa2012年4月2日 12:44

    Clearly nothing happened.

    I figured and thought it was a phony rumour.

    If Anonymous did do that, the exact opposite of what they say they want would happen. It'd force the government(s), namely America since it controls about 80%+ of the Internet for what it's worth, but the US government would go total lock-down and control the net. And part of what they're against is the government stuff.

    Also, my Keibear is very very precious and very Keibear ^_^

    *hugs for Keibear*

  7. Hi Teddy-san

    Glad Anonymous did nothing special.
    But I'm still against SOPA anyway.

    I need any info of her new work...

  8. Teddy Kitagawa2012年4月4日 2:56

    SOPA is dead. Protect IP is supposedly dead, but I don't know if it was killed fully or not.

    Hollywood isn't going to stop this shit until they're stopped for good, or their industry dies.

    Don't get the wrong idea, by "stopped for good", I mean like what happened to Thomas Edison's MPPC "Motion Picture Patents Company" the original MPAA. A court shut them down for going too far with protecting their patents.

    Well, the MPAA has gone further beyond they ever did, but so far, no one shutting them down lol.

  9. Teddy Kitagawa2012年4月4日 3:56

    Regarding the video. I haven't watched it yet, but isn't the show like 90 or 100 minutes? Is the 16-18 minute clip you have the only parts she really is shown / a part of

  10. Yes, Teddy-san. The show itself was almost 100min and I clipped it^^
