

110801.1 不可思議探偵団

110801 不可思議探偵団



4 件のコメント:

  1. Oops... there's nothing to see here. Either you do not have access to these photos, or they don't exist at this web address. Please contact the owner directly to gain access.

    ^ That's what I see for these latest images.

    But she is absolutely adorable and precious. That's why she's Keibear and I gave her that name lol. She's very huggable.

  2. Thanks letting me know Teddy-san^^
    I fixed all the links and add links to album and ts.

    Yes! she's getting more and more special.

  3. No problem.

    Sometimes I feel bad like it feels like I'm complaining and I almost hesitate but I was like "Nah, he did ask me to let him know if there are any issues so I shouldn't be a little bitch about it" OOPS lol.

  4. Yes, I'm asking you to ^^
    You're not bitch at all!!

    Bi*c*??? Are you owner of AIKURUSHII KEIKO????? Have I seen KEIBEAR there@@
