

DRESS 0610

yukari #1#2#3


11 件のコメント:

  1. I'm sorry.

    I don't want to sound unthankful. You go through time and effort to make this site and share with her other fans.

    The EXE wouldn't run in my Windows XP system either unless I do Windows 98 compatibility mode. And it won't extract anything in XP either.

    are you going back to .RAR parts?

  2. Please don't worry!
    You don't sound like that at all!!
    Besides, I can see there is someone else with the same problem thanks to you.

    I can get the whole file back with both my XP and 7 machine. Maybe the Japanese characters in file name makes it happen.

    Anyway, I will try change the files and upload by RAR.

  3. Japanese characters in ZIP files?

    I've had good results starting Winzip or 7-Zip in Japanese mode with the help of Windows Applocale. Try it on system32\cmd.exe too, then you can run executables from a command window in Japanese mode.

  4. Big thanks for yr info, Kees-san!!

  5. Windows Applocale?!?!

    Will that work if you have an English only version of the OS? If I had 7 Ultimate, I could just switch to the Japanese language pack so everything is in Japanese and run them I'm sure. I have Pro 64 Bit so I can't use language packs and only have English since I live in America.

    I still have all the .EXE and .DAT files. If that'll work I'll do that so you can skip on re-uploading, but if this is cumbersome for many maybe just go back to .rar parts as that's easier, at least if you don't live in some Asian Country or have the language packs and 7 Ultimate.

  6. By that I mean, if that works, I'll use this Applocale thing if I know where to get it, of if it's in Windows, how to use them together. So you don't have to re-load the stuff you already posted in .rar format. Then I was suggesting maybe, just use .rar format from now on as it seems there will less room for issue.

  7. I've got an English Windows XP, and I used "Regional and Language Options" to install East Asian fonts and to enable the Japanese IME so I can type Japanese.

    I used Windows Applocale (downloaded from Microsoft) to run a cmd.exe in Japanese mode (日本語).

    If you run one of the EXE files then the programs dialogs show up in Japanese. Enter the password in the bottom box, click the bottom-right button, click another button to allow it to make a directory and off it goes.

    The Japanese characters still show as question marks in the CMD window, but simply type the number and use the TAB key to complete the name.

    Just one thing, when I ran 110526.exe I had to rename the .DAT files to 110526 VS嵐_#.DAT using the same name as the file it was building, 110526 VS嵐.m2ts. Apparently the name of the .EXE doesn't matter, but the .DAT files must be named just right.

  8. Thank you very much again Kees-san.
    Its gone far for me to follow f^^;
    I hopeTeddy-san and everyone to have fun with Keikos files!

    FIY, please don't tell me It's too late, I devide the files with SafeMelt32.
    This one runs only under OS with Japanese, and this means EXECUTION only under Japanese system, I suppose. Sorry for your inconvenience anyway m(__)m

    But I don't want to buy Winrar only for this.
    Of caurse I want to share all those Infos pictures and videos and help to let as many as people to know Keiko-chan!

    Let me find other way, or maybe you can advise me some other way.

  9. Have a look at 7-Zip, it's free, and there's a Japanese version:
    (Home page: http://www.7-zip.org/)

    It can split ZIP files into parts named .001, .002, etc. 7-Zip can open the .001 file and combine it with the rest. People without 7-Zip can concatenate the parts with 'copy /b':

    copy /b XXX.zip.* XXX.zip

    (UNIX: cat XXX.zip.* > XXX.zip)

    I can't find a way to force UTF-8 encoding for the stored filenames, but if you use an archive name without Japanese characters then we can extract the ZIP file and rename the result. Like this:

    Original file: 110614.笑.m2ts
    ZIP files: 110614.zip.001 110614.zip.002 ...
    Extract 110614.zip.001 with 7-Zip.
    Japanese people get 110614.笑.m2ts
    Red barbarians like me get 110614.àûé+.m2ts
    We only have to fix the name.

  10. You can't split files this large with the free winrar?!?!

    Huh? I didn't know the free one had a limitation like that. 7zip is free and pretty much is the same as winrar and can make .7z, .7zip and .rar and .zip files and do the same. Being free it shouldn't have that limitation.

  11. I didn't know the FREE Winrar, but seems I can use it as it is.
    Thanks advise Teddy -san ( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ
